We are adding a few new, simple tools to help you live your best healthy life! We want to support you to live well on your healthful journey.
The Live Your Best, Healthy Life mini e-book is a handy tool to make your wellness a priority.
- Designed to fit easily into your daily routine, this resource will keep you inspired, motivated, and accountable.
- It includes a simple journal template, daily wellness log, and idea jogger.
- Bottomline, this tool will help you shine as your best self.
Using a wellness journal could be significant for your health!
The practice of journaling has been shown to reduce stress, support critical thought and decision-making, and may even boost the immune system.
As this brief article suggests, reflective journaling can help you process your thoughts. Therefore, using a journal can be a supportive stress management tool.
Researchers have also noted the increase in evidence to support journaling for a positive impact on physical well-being. The impact may be enhanced if journaling is used for stress reduction and overall well-being. Numerous studies have associated stress with the onset of chronic health conditions, such as metabolic diseases and even obesity.
Journaling can also help you plan out your time, draft and track goals, and record motivational comments.
Photo credits: Jan Kahánek on Unsplash
Download your free copy of the Live Your Best, Healthy Life mini e-book here!
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